Best Responsive Multi Level Html Css Dropdown Menu Code in The World

Yes. This is the best multi level dropdown menu code in the world. I'm not lying.
First of all, i'm not software engineer, programmer or webmaster.
I'm just a teacher at middle school. And I am from Turkey. I don't know english very well. So, if i write something wrong, just ignore :)
Here is my story.
I prepared a website for the students. ( fen bilimleri )
I'm sharing worksheet, lecture pdf and interactive games on the website.
When i built this website, i needed a multi level dropdown menu. I searched all over the internet.
But i couldn't find a working html css code.

All over the internet has got pop-up link ( # ) in their menu.
Most of you will not understand me.
Let me show you.
pop up multi level dropdown menu
This screenshot is from w3schools. here is the link. you can see.

You can find a lot of websites in the internet. All of them has got " # " pop up link in their menu.
This " # " link causes pop up in every internet browser. chrome, yahoo, bing, mozilla firefox, opera...
in computers, in mobile phones, in tablet computers, in smart boards... So visitor has difficulties while
surfing your dropdown menu...

I decided to try writing a new one...
But i am not a programmer. So it was impossible for me.
Then i found w3schools code which was okay for me!
There wasn't " # " pop up link in the dropdown menu codes.
Here is screenshot.
no pop up no multi level dropdown menu html css

As you can see there is no # pop up link on the left corner.
That dropdown menu was very cool. Unfortunately, There was a problem with it.
Here is the link. You can view.

I tried so hard and succeed.
I turned that html css dropdown menu to html css multilevel dropdown menu.

And now i share it for free.
It was very difficult to edit the codes.
I wrote every lines in the menu.
There is no auto code in the codes.
If you can't handle it, do not blame me.
Check this website's menu. There is "Oyun" category on the dropdown.
When you click it. You will see the multi level menu.

"If you like my dropdown menu and if you want to support me;

please COMMENT from the bottom of the page."

Multilevel Dropdown Menu Html Codes

Multilevel Dropdown Menu Css Codes

Multilevel Dropdown Menu Code before </body>

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